Rescue alert ! Black turbo auto ? R8 ?

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Re: Rescue alert ! Black turbo auto ? R8 ?

Post by jifflemon » Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:14 pm

Well..... Here's a long overdue update!

Apologies for the forum silence, but work has gotten just a little bit out of control. My already massively overworked team of 3 became a team of 1 (guess who) recently, which has meant I have had, at most, a couple of hours a week to play with cars!

Anyhoo..... Lets get you all caught up.

So, engine would now start up, but that meant we'd need some fluid attention:


Enter the oil flush, genuine Volvo filter (+10BHP, honest guv!) and new copper squasher washer. Result?



And to become more realiable, these potential smoke makers had to go...



Click the fingers.....




Finish off our service with a nice new air filter


And we're buttoned up ready to go..... Well, not for a while anyway, as we need to be able to stop as well. And a quick look at the rear brakes...



and the handbrake bias...


Suggests we're not even close to getting to the road yet.

Cables Off! (seized solid)


Which meant heatshield off


And whilst the Wheels were off.


You knew I would...... :lol:


Even less surprising was that the rear shocks had long since bounced their last.


They were joined by this lot.....


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Re: Rescue alert ! Black turbo auto ? R8 ?

Post by jifflemon » Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:23 pm

and that's where things started going a little bit..... well, sideways.

Given that this is very likely Heading to Al, standard rescue fodder may not be sufficient. Sylvia mentioned she had some caliper paint that was intended for Al's car and so whilst I waited for that to arrive, I removed the calipers.

Someone had been here before.....


but soon they were off.


Next up - Free the bleed nipple! Cue the hot spanner....



If you ever thought "how hot is that hot spanner?" the Answer is "toasty"


Both calipers and carriers were then given a thorough cleaning and primed with some Derust for good measure.


And whilst I had the wire brush and derust out....




Yes, nobody is ever going to see it I know.....

And if we're doing the rear brakes, the fronts must match....




Many, many worrying things, but onwards and upwards! Caliper off hot spanner deployed.



Calipers cleaned and then de-rusted




And then we hit a potential gotcha..... Turbo calipers are unique to the Turbo. They have a vented disc, and thus, a wider caliper. It still has the same sized 54mm Piston in the caliper, but they are VERY different to the standard ones. And whilst I could easily find rebuild kits for the calipers, they didn't include pistons. Several phone calls later, and my options were:

1. Wait until November when stock was "hopefully" arriving.
2. Have some custom pistons made.
3. Hope and pray the existing pistons are ok.

Bet you can guess which one I went with?


The upper part looks horrible, and it can do, because that just sits in the elements. Anything below the seal is what matters, and thankfully both were fine! Oh and here's how they compare to a normal 480 piston.


Still, if that upper bit is going to stick out, may as well see what we can do to help it.....


By now, the paint had arrived - Foliatec stuff. Have heard good things about it so was keen to try it out. It consists of a base coat, then a colour coat that goes over the top.


The base coat, was quite frankly, awful. It was mixed to the correct quantities but it didn't cover well and was terrible to apply! (oh and yes, the lawn needed a cut!). This is how they looked after the first coat.


I gave them a gentle flatting and decided to go with a second coat.


Better...... However, if I thought the base coat was bad, then the top coat was worse!



Like the base coat, the top coat was awful to apply, and needed numerous coats to get to some acceptable coverage. Absolutely wouldn't use again!

However, with fresh seals, they turned out nice overall!



Hands up all those that think the next step is bolting these bad boys on?


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Re: Rescue alert ! Black turbo auto ? R8 ?

Post by dcwalker » Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:44 pm

Excellent progress Jeff, very well done!

Current: 1994 480 GT, 1996 460 CD & 1997 440 LE with lots of optional extras & 2007 V50 SE Sport
Previous: Celebration 331 (re-homed with Richard S), Celebration 467 (returned to Martin Mc); Celebration 346 (re-homed with Alan480); Celebration 269 (scrapped abandoned project), Celebration 73 (sold on after 6 years), 1992 ES, 1988 ES - and numerous other non-480 Volvos!

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Re: Rescue alert ! Black turbo auto ? R8 ?

Post by dragonflyjewels » Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:34 pm

If there had been a colour chart, I think I would have picked a different red, but once behind the wheels (and dirty) I'm sure they will look fine. After the nightmare of the painting I'm certainly not going to ask Jeff to do a repaint !
Big well done on all the progress, another turbo saved.

Snazzy - 1993 Paris Blue ES red dipstick 2.0i bought 2001
Lethal Lily - 1991 White Turbo
Paris the Unicorn - 1991 Paris Edition
hubby has
Sven - 1994 Racing Green GT
Evil Eva - 1992 Paris Blue Turbo

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Re: Rescue alert ! Black turbo auto ? R8 ?

Post by jifflemon » Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:09 am

jifflemon wrote:
Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:23 pm
Hands up all those that think the next step is bolting these bad boys on?

Of course not! It was then time to get the stuff the brakes attached to sorted out. Here's a peek at the front:



So, tried a tested process began:

Track rod end off - Yup, that's knackered too:


Fancy hub puller attached:



I bought this after battling with a driveshaft on Henry, my Green turbo, where someone had locktighted the splines in place. Now hubs are no longer an issue!

And thus the knackered bits were off



Add some newness:




The spring cups were in good shape, needing just a good blast:


Some De-rust:


And a lick of paint - Have a before and after!


Then a quick "copy and paste" on the other side


Which also needed a track rod end (and Hot-spanner to remove)


As well as de-rusting the brake shields for good measure


And so to the rear - Much simpler eh?

Remove and rebush these:


Throw on some shocks and droplinks


And that's it right?

Wrong. There's the rear torque rods. It baffles me that people are fine with changing front wishbones every 5 years, but the rear torque rods are probably still the original ones. And let me tell you now people, they WILL be knackered. However, the reason they don't get changed, is because they're a bloody awful thing to change.

I suppose they could be easy to change if you removed the rear bumper, but that's another ton of worms being opened isn't it?

So, we'll start by removing the nut from the hub end. That's straight forward. Only the bush doesn't want to come off..... Time for.....


Yup, burn the rubber off.

the problem is these little buggers.


That's the inner sleeve of the bush. It rusts itself onto the bolt and the ends rust onto the hub.

On the hub end I could use the hot spanner to heat it to nuclear temperatures, which allowed it slide off.

The bumper end, is a totally different story. Its a bolt going through a box section. And whilst you can get the nut off the bolt, that inner sleeve is now seized to the bolt, so you can't get the bolt out. Your only option is to cut it out...


But you have to cut it on the inner sides of the bush, which has horrendous access. I know it's not the best of pictures, which should hopefully emphasise how crap access is! No room for grinders, very limited amount of space to work in.

This is the result of 12 hours of work....per side... :shock:



I'd rank the job right up there with a Starter motor on a turbo. Absolutely horrendous to do, however absolutely essential to do.

The fun continues......

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Re: Rescue alert ! Black turbo auto ? R8 ?

Post by dragonflyjewels » Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:57 am

That's a huge amount of work Jeff - I can see this being one helluva good car ! A big well done seems very inadequate.

Snazzy - 1993 Paris Blue ES red dipstick 2.0i bought 2001
Lethal Lily - 1991 White Turbo
Paris the Unicorn - 1991 Paris Edition
hubby has
Sven - 1994 Racing Green GT
Evil Eva - 1992 Paris Blue Turbo

no previous 480s - can't bear to sell any

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