My 480 life is just beginning!

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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Mon May 21, 2018 9:23 am

dcwalker wrote:
Mon May 21, 2018 8:15 am
Starting to look really good Marc! :D

Rust levels are fine, nothing to worry about there.

Take care when re-fitting the bumper as the side plastic clips can get brittle with age and snap if they are twisted about too much.

Fuse 23 is indeed a bridge - I don't know exactly how it is wired in but if (as I did years ago, out of curiosity) you remove it you'll find that the info centre doesn't work!

Oh yes - and the fan intake does look odd, although that grille does prevent a lot of rubbish getting down there when the bonnet is closed. The metal bracket does indeed hold all that stuff in place - what you need, if you can find it (hen's teeth, good luck, and no you can't have mine), is the pollen filter housing that fits on there. Once it has a filter sitting on top of it all it doesn't look quite so strange!

Keep up the good work and enjoy!

Thanks David.

I'm amazed at the rust levels. I can hardly find any. On the exterior there is just one tiny bubble on the bottom of the passenger door. I was expecting the worst given some of the sights I've seen on other cars!

I did notice one of the side clips/guides on the bumper only had one pop rivet fitted so it did swivel a bit. Easy fix though.

Another part to add to the list of things I need then: -
CEMIII (coming) - must get the elec. windows working!,
additional volt/oil gauges (for fun),
decent speakers,
pollen filter housing,
a bucketload of stainless steel screws to replace all the rusty ones!

I think most of this summer is going to be dedicated to getting it back to decent level rather than enjoying the drive. But it's great fun!
1994 480GT - arrived!!
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by dcwalker » Mon May 21, 2018 11:08 am

Ah yes, a 480 can keep you occupied for hours and hours... :wink:

Someone else has probably already said, but for the auxiliary gauges you will also need the oil pressure sender and its mounting bracket. The gauges themselves still pop up quite regularly on ebay; there are senders still around that will fit (check a few recent posts on here) but the nightmare is finding the mounting bracket. You must have it otherwise the sender won't fit in alongside the oiler filter. Watch for either early (pre 89) ES models or any turbo model being broken).

Current: 1994 480 GT, 1996 460 CD & 1997 440 LE with lots of optional extras & 2007 V50 SE Sport
Previous: Celebration 331 (re-homed with Richard S), Celebration 467 (returned to Martin Mc); Celebration 346 (re-homed with Alan480); Celebration 269 (scrapped abandoned project), Celebration 73 (sold on after 6 years), 1992 ES, 1988 ES - and numerous other non-480 Volvos!

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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Fri May 25, 2018 8:21 pm

After a false start with the front bumper painting, I stripped it down this afternoon in advance of a trip to the painters.

After reading Jifflemon's excellent thread, I wanted to get the bumper bar out as it must be rusty, and it's a good chance to get it sorted properly.

Easy enough to remove, although the foam part was awkward. I assumed the foam needed to come out. The foam was damp, so not a promising start. I'll leave this to dry out before I rebuild the bumper.

The main bar was as expected a bit rusty, but I think I caught it just in time. A bit of surface rust, but should be OK. Off to Suffolk Stove Enamelers for blasting and painting.




Bumper to R&L Roper for painting. My mate Rod with a Celebration used him for a respray, so he knows 480's. He is going to paint in the black insert which is ideal. Estimate is £200 which sounds fair (includes 2x mirror caps).

Should have it back in 2-3 weeks, so need to treat with dynax S-50 and reassemble. Trying to make a local show on 16th June with my local VOC group. 30+ Volvo's attending and aiming to be the largest owners club there. Touch and go!!

Always amazes me how many small companies are dotted around, and by and large, offer some really great services. Hardest thing is tracking them down!

Planning to treat and protect the chassis areas behind the bumper this weekend while I have the chance. I'm sure you'll recognise these which should do the job nicely.


Off to an auto jumble on Sunday near Norwich, where I expect to pick up a new pair of rear lights for £20 as the seller won't know what he's got. Fat chance!!!
1994 480GT - arrived!!
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Sat May 26, 2018 9:17 pm

Started on the polishing today.

Paintwork is OK for the age, but has about 15-20 bird etchings all over. Not uncommon, but I wish people wouldn't leave bird poo on their cars. It's so damaging.

Looking at what I have, I'm not going to be able to get rid of them completely as they have affected the paint under the clear coat. However, I'm confident I can reduce them to a point where they will not be easily seen.

Lots of washing swirls and just poor cleaning technique over the years too. Thankfully even the worst swirl marks can be remedied.

Two stage process. Compounding followed by a finishing polish. Wouldn't normally compound but needs must to get the proper level of paint correction. In the future I will just use the 3500 as there won't be any washing damage as I will wash correctly.

For those that enjoy this stuff: -

Compounding with Menerza Heavy Cut compound FG400 and a Lake Country Hydrotech Cyan cutting pad
Finishing with Menerza Super Finish 3500 (PO106FA) on a Lake Country Hydrotech Crimson finishing pad

Started with the bonnet as its a big easy area and you can judge results better. Also manage to do the O/S wing and the etching above the windscreen. About 6 hours in total. I'm expecting it to take about 20 hours to complete the car.

Chuffed as I managed to get rid of this one 100% and it was slap bang in the middle of the bonnet and highly visible.






1994 480GT - arrived!!
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Mon May 28, 2018 3:09 pm

Roof polishing done! What a job but looking good now. 5 hours worth of polishing. 11 total.

Doors and rear quarters next then hatch and rear bumper. Saving the rear lights as the cherry on the cake!!
1994 480GT - arrived!!
XC60 and XC70 for the daily grind.
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by Alan 480 » Tue May 29, 2018 11:52 am

Looking REALLY good

I'm 'feart' to attempt any serious polishing, the paint is already white on front edge of bonnet and a I can see the reinforcing ribs through it, ie each rib has a pale pink outline !!!

480 ES 2litre 'Celebration' ? , C30 1.8ES, SS1

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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Tue May 29, 2018 12:58 pm

I must admit I wasn't sure how the paintwork would react to serious polishing. I don't have a paint depth gauge, so I had no idea how thick the paint would be. Started with the least aggresive polish and judged the results and took it forward from there.

Modern Volvo paint is classed as medium on the hardness scale. Japanese cars have soft paint and German cars have rock hard paint (a right sod to polish). Not sure how hard 25 year old paint is though!

Normal paint is approx. 20-40 microns primer, the same for base colour coat and 40-120microns clear coat, so it doesn't take much to strike through the clearcoat. You can never be sure how much clear coat has been removed by previus polishing, but I took the risk that if I made a mess of the bonnet I'd get it resprayed.

I use the very risky rule of thumb that if the paintwork is in poor condition, then its probably never been polished, so still has a lot of clearcoat left.

Experience however lead me to believe it would be OK and thankfully it is. On average about 2-4 microns is removed by compounding/polishing, so you can't do if very often.

Key is to not scratch your car in the first place. Most damage is caused by poor washing technique. Everytime you wash your paintwork you scratch it. Once its up to 'scratch' (sorry about the pun), then good washing technique is a must. Leave the chamois leather on the goats!!

Some great info. about. I learnt what I know from Polished Bliss - great company in the frozen north with an excellent website & tutorials.
Also, the YouTube videos from Junkman2000 are excellent (and funny too!). Really knows what he's talking about. Wish he was my neighbour!!
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:08 pm

Polished the O/S door and rear quarter today. Very easy compared to the roof and bonnet as birds don't tend to poo on the sides!

Amazed at how good the bodywork is. Paintwork needed very little work so managed to get the rear bumper done too.

Gave myself a little treat and decided to give the rear lights a flick (just couldn't resist!!).

I just used the Menzerna 3500 on a crimson pad. This is the same combination as used to finish the paintwork, so it has very little cut and is more for polishing. Very mild.

Literally did one pass for about 60 seconds to see what would happen.

Have attached the obligatory 50/50 shot. Very pleased for a minutes' work. I think I could get a mirror finish if I wanted to, but this is a good start.


The 'T' on the GT badge is really annoying me now, as its sloightly on th' huh as we say in these parts. I've seen a few other GTs where the 'T' is not aligned, so must be something that happens over time. Maybe I can heat it up and straighten it at some point.

Up to 16 hrs now. One more push tomorrow and the main polishing will be finished.

Really want to start on the black trim. Break out the high tech stuff for this - silicon oxide polymers!!
1994 480GT - arrived!!
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:33 pm

Finally finished polishing today. 20 hours total so spot on estimate. There are a few areas that need some bodyshop attention, namely a respray for the nosecone, but they can wait until winter.

Did the rust treatment behind the front bumper, which was nowhere near as bad as I thought. Could have not done it, but its done now.

Fitted the new rear numberplate. Was planning on using the original, but the butchers at the dealer who fitted it originally managed to make a pigs ear of fitting it square. In the end I fitted my new plate to the correct fixing holes on the carrier. Looks much better now.

Started on cleaning all the parts removed front the front bumper. Stripped it all down including the badge and the little plastic inserts.

The badge was a pain. Very dirty and corroded, so a bit of metal polish and elbow grease needed. How much do I hate plastic chrome!! Thankfully the 480 has very little.


Treated the bumper and badge etc. with Gyeon Q2 Trim. Just need to make sure the parts you treat are degreased and wipe it on very sparingly. Really makes the black trim very black and lasts for ages.



Number plate carrier comes up a treat too!

Cleaned up the fog lights also. I guess this happens over time, but the glass adhesive had failed. The glass was only held on by a couple in inches at the top. Decided to take the glass off completely, remove the old sealant and refit the glass. Just need to work out what to use!!

Tried to remove the mudflaps but screws solid. Nothing ever easy!!

Battery flat, so had to push into the garage. Thank goodness for light cars!! Long day.
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by 89of480 » Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:12 pm

Fantastic thread so far!!!! It’s all so shiny and coming together so nicely, it looks fantastic!!!

Definitely need some of that back to Black treatment once my paint is sorted out!
‘95 Celebration Auto - №89 of 480 - Flame Red Metaillic
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by jifflemon » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:29 am

just to get my nerd on.....

Any idea how Gyeon Q2 Trim compares with Gtechniq C4? They both seem very similar...

Excellent results on the polish up though :D

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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:53 am

Nerd away!!

Never tried the C4 but used their wheel treatment which was excellent.

I think Gyeon offers better value for money for basically the same technology.

G4 15ml about £20-25.
Gyeon 30ml about £25-30.

Can't wait to get some wax on now. Going old school for this!!

Last edited by zapcity on Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:59 am

Recieved this back from the powder coaters yesterday.


Bargain at £30.

Now just awaiting a freshly painted front bumper and I can reassemble.

Cars on the Green show = 17th June. Too tight I think.
1994 480GT - arrived!!
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:36 pm

Been a while since I updated due to the bumper still not being ready. Not impressed. Deep breaths and relax. :angry: :badmood:

So have been collecting parts that I need, want or even don't need but might be useful for trades.

Been trawling scrappies, gumtree, ebay and the forums for goodies. It's been like a Yodel depot here for a couple of weeks. :crazy:

Bloody local scrappy had a 2.0litre but told me it was sold. Saw he had it two weeks later as I wanted the oil pressure sender, so rang him and he said it had been crushed earlier that day! Rod wanted the heater for his Celebration too. Most annoying! :cryhard:

Anyway, I managed to get two mint CEMIII's which I might need to fix my windows.
Also, an uncracked dash surround, a pair of headlights, a headlight lift motor, a pair of gingercators, a digital clock, aux gauges minus the turbo boost, a front bumper mounting bracket, a genuine pollen filter housing and brackets, a 2.0 ecu, a CEMI, a new gearbox mounting bracket, a set of speaker pods, plastic headlight lift pivot thingys, a new set of mcgard locking bolts plus a few more odds and sods. :D


So from my original list of wants it's just the oil pressure sender/bracket arrangement to go.

Thanks to all who helped. So yes I know, GET IT ON THE ROAD!!!

I promise I'm trying. :wink:
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by jifflemon » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:44 pm

that's an impressive haul...... :shock:

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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by jamescarruthers » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:29 pm

Yes, that's a good load, well done.‎

Would add that that is not the correct rear engine mount for your car.

Also, to use that pollen filter without funnelling water into your interior fan you need the little transparent filler piece that goes in the intake vent in the bonnet.‎ 
You can probably make something up to do the same job. Basically you need to black off a few inches of the bonnet intake above the filter.‎
1987 Volvo 480 ES, 507274, 217 - Red (Ness)
2006 Citroen C6 Exclusive 3.0 petrol/LPG
2008 Mini Cooper convertible (Mau)

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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by zapcity » Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:33 am

Thanks James for the info. I wondered what the little transparent piece was for!! Thankfully it all came with it.

The engine mount is the one listed by Scandix. ... r/1009391/

Are they incorrect?
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by jamescarruthers » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:16 am

I would put money on your car needing this one: ... r/1015169/ with Volvo part number 3466003.

You can pit your car's VIN into the Skandix Site to prove/disprove this. I'd advise inputting your VIN before browsing their sites so you won't take see parts that aren't compatible with your car. They are pretty good and I've only came across mistakes on very eager 480 stuff but that won't affect you.

The mount on your GT is better in that is damps more vibrations out and is oil filled. Unfortunately, it is more delicate on late cars and can tear.

The mount in your spares collection doesn't damp as well but will like you last forever on the car it was meant to be installed on (early cars).

You also have a strut damper on the side of your engine. Again, on the later cars this is improved but more delicate. Mssr. Brinkie informs me that in the NL some members have tried swapping to the older tougher parts (they certainly tried damper, not sure on rear mount) but the extra vibration killed the engines. So don't be tempted to fit your spare to your car!

Great luck on getting the little transparent blank for the intake! I think the pollen filters are still available so you can get a replacement. What you have there thoughts the mega rare housing and blank. You did well to get that.
1987 Volvo 480 ES, 507274, 217 - Red (Ness)
2006 Citroen C6 Exclusive 3.0 petrol/LPG
2008 Mini Cooper convertible (Mau)

Previous 480's:
J123 CFU -- ES
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by jamescarruthers » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:16 am

I would put money on your car needing this one: ... r/1015169/ with Volvo part number 3466003.

You can pit your car's VIN into the Skandix Site to prove/disprove this. I'd advise inputting your VIN before browsing their sites so you won't take see parts that aren't compatible with your car. They are pretty good and I've only came across mistakes on very eager 480 stuff but that won't affect you.

The mount on your GT is better in that is damps more vibrations out and is oil filled. Unfortunately, it is more delicate on late cars and can tear.

The mount in your spares collection doesn't damp as well but will like you last forever on the car it was meant to be installed on (early cars).

You also have a strut damper on the side of your engine. Again, on the later cars this is improved but more delicate. Mssr. Brinkie informs me that in the NL some members have tried swapping to the older tougher parts (they certainly tried damper, not sure on rear mount) but the extra vibration killed the engines. So don't be tempted to fit your spare to your car!

Great luck on getting the little transparent blank for the intake! I think the pollen filters are still available so you can get a replacement. What you have there thoughts the mega rare housing and blank. You did well to get that.
1987 Volvo 480 ES, 507274, 217 - Red (Ness)
2006 Citroen C6 Exclusive 3.0 petrol/LPG
2008 Mini Cooper convertible (Mau)

Previous 480's:
J123 CFU -- ES
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Re: My 480 life is just beginning!

Post by jamescarruthers » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:16 am

I would put money on your car needing this one: ... r/1015169/ with Volvo part number 3466003.

You can put your car's VIN into the Skandix Site to prove/disprove this. I'd advise inputting your VIN before browsing their sites so you won't take see parts that aren't compatible with your car. They are pretty good and I've only came across mistakes on very eager 480 stuff but that won't affect you.

The mount on your GT is better in that is damps more vibrations out and is oil filled. Unfortunately, it is more delicate on late cars and can tear.

The mount in your spares collection doesn't damp as well but will like you last forever on the car it was meant to be installed on (early cars).

You also have a strut damper on the side of your engine. Again, on the later cars this is improved but more delicate. Mssr. Brinkie informs me that in the NL some members have tried swapping to the older tougher parts (they certainly tried damper, not sure on rear mount) but the extra vibration killed the engines. So don't be tempted to fit your spare to your car!

Great luck on getting the little transparent blank for the intake! I think the pollen filters are still available so you can get a replacement. What you have there thoughts the mega rare housing and blank. You did well to get that.
1987 Volvo 480 ES, 507274, 217 - Red (Ness)
2006 Citroen C6 Exclusive 3.0 petrol/LPG
2008 Mini Cooper convertible (Mau)

Previous 480's:
J123 CFU -- ES
J449 MNL -- ES auto
D864 CPV -- ES
L691 JFC -- Turbo
F70 MNR -- ES
H858 FGV -- Turbo auto
E981 KHM -- ES (509849)

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