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Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:19 pm
by Brasco
My mate Rob and I are heading over to Germany for the World Cup and taking the 480 with us. We've sorted out our travel plans now, so if I'm passing by your area, maybe we can catch up?

Heres the plan:-

Thursday 8th June - Catching Ferry to Dunkirk
9th & 10th - Amsterdam
11th - Hannover or Hamburg
12th & 13th - Berlin
14th & 15th - Prague
16th til 19th - Munich
20th - Frankfurt
21st - 24rd - Cologne/ Nurburgring/ Rhine region
25th - Dunkirk and back home.

Would appreciate any local knowledge people can pass on!

Thanks! :D


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:43 pm
by reynolds_p1
Think thats the plan for me and my mates too brasco!!! bought three cars worth i should imagine! plan is over to germany for a week or so catch a couple of games (not actually at the games like but soak up the atmos!) than off down through poland/hungary/slovenia etc or wherever else takes our fancy for the next two weeks..

not sure about taking the 480 tho.. was thinking along the lines of something bigger and more economical! 525tds touring perhaps...?

Need to make some proper plans, too much uni work on at mo tho!!


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:20 pm
by suddy
was thinking along the lines of something bigger and more economical!
i got 40mpg out of mine doing abour 100mph in it all day. driving it was like sitting in an armchair.

only speaking from my own experience, but,
in city centres you will be shafted for car parking. amsterdam was €33 for 24 hours, rip off. I wouldn't leave it on the street in the red light part either.

berlin is a storm, the only German you need to know is"currywurst mit br"otchen bitte", fantastic food.
stayed in the etap hotel when i was there, and the carparking was reasonable too (about €5 for a night)

only glanced at munich, but the traffic was really bad.

one more thing....if your chugging along at 130mph and a great big audi comes up behind you at speed, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!! he aint going to brake for you!

if you plan the go on spec, the accor hotels (forumle1, etap, ibis) are quite good and reasonably priced...

good luck mate, you'll have a blast