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My 480 Ride

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:50 pm
by Big Brother
Hello My name is Adam. I've owned 480s since I was 18 (now 21) but have always admired their uniqueness, that being the cheese wedge shape, pop up head lights and the fact that Volvo actually made a sports car.

My first 480 was old and rusty, didn’t have many miles on it but had clearly been used by a bricky, this being because the boot was full of cement and broken bricks. Needless to say I didn’t keep it for long, infact I didn’t even take a picture of it because I was worried it would break my camera.

So onto my first half functioning 480 my 480 S,


Did a 560 mile round trip to get this and it turned out the seller had slightly exaggerated its condition, I put some things right but it really did have to go. And this is where we move on to my current car

My 480 Celebration:


Bought this of fellow club member dragon and have sworn never to part with it, so far I have kept my word. I bought it at 48,000 miles it is now on 72,000 the first bubble of rust is starting to show :cryhard:

Even though I have not sold the Celebration I don’t like it being on the road in the winter months so I decided to buy a winter car, naturally it had to be a 480. My 480 ES


The special thing about this car for me was, it’s the first time I have owned an automatic, I have to say I prefer them to manuals for the daily commute to work where you just want to get from A to B but when it came to the weekends it was a bit boring, however it had extensive service history as it had previously been owned by an enthusiast (non club member) so this was quite a buy, it did have 113,000 miles on the clock but it had had a new gearbox 7,000 miles before, this is what made me decide to buy it. I reluctantly sold it simply due to the fact it was costing to much in fuel to use as a work horse doing 55 miles a day, I still miss it now.

So rather than posting a thread full of old stuff, for mods and stuff currently done see my website:

Celebration -
ES -

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 2:03 pm
by Big Brother
22 May 2007

After taking Lucy off the road over the winter months and then happily putting her back on the road a couple of months ago I noticed the back box was blowing a little, so out came the gum gum and the pin hole in the box was repaired. I thought this was the end of the story until I heard more blowing. Having a good look underneath I found several holes along the mid section and the back box, I guess this was caused by the standing water in the exhaust that has rusted through. So the only thing that could be done was to fit a new exhaust, and it wasn't cheap!





Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 7:31 pm
by Big Brother
23 May 2007

Took Lucy to AutoTecnix today to have her hooked up to the diagnostics, the reason for this is she is drinking more petrol than she should be and with V-Power now at £1.01 a litre something needs to be done. So leave my car there all day and then get a call telling me they can’t do anything because the self diagnostics box thing under the bonnet isn’t working :angry:

So on the hunt for another box thing and it will be back to the garage.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:22 pm
by Big Brother
7th June 2007

Carried out a much needed service today, changing oil and plugs. No pics

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:54 pm
by Big Brother
11th June 2007

Lucy went back to Auto Teknix today to have the diagnostics done after top man JohnTurbo sent me his spare diagnostics box.

Didn’t quite take them as lone this time, only had the car a couple of hours. So, what was wrong. The air temperature sensor was giving duff readings so after a good clean of the sensor and the connections all was back working again. Just to play it safe I asked him to put Forte gas treatment in her too.

End result, she is now running fine, acceleration is better and she didn’t seems to be drinking V-Power like it was water.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:30 pm
by Big Brother
28th June 2007

After lasting a couple of days the Celeb started acting up again, drinking fuel like there was no tomorrow and having trouble on the acceleration. So back to Auto Teknix for more diagnostics. After being without my car all day again they told me the Air Temperature sensor was acting up again and needed to be replaced, there was also a fault with the lambda sensor and this would also require replacement. So parts on order and until next weeks Shell will be seeing a lot of me :(

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:05 pm
by Big Brother
7th July 2007

Today was a good day for me, for the first time in a very long time I actually tried and succeeded in repairing something on my 480. Usually I would ask someone else to do it for me or just put up with it but this was something that needed to be sorted. I knew it had to happen eventually and this week the info centre started acting up, sometimes it wouldn’t come on and when it was on the numbers were all jumbled and it used to randomly flick through the selections. So, today I attempted to fix this problem believing it was the most common cause of info centre failure, a loose wire at the back. So after carefully taking everything out of the dash, radio, clock, info centre switch, fan switch, hazard switch etc and unscrewing all the screws without dropping one I soon had the complete instrument cluster out, checking the back I could see that the cable from the info centre switch to the board was a tad on the loose side so after making sure this was securely fitted back and after checking all wires were where they should be and didn’t need soldering I put everything back together without breaking anything else in the process, after using my car a few times to day the info centre is back up and running as normal, will be keeping my fingers crossed hoping that I have solved the problem and nothing else will happen.

So, still on the ‘To Do’ list is, Lambda Sensor, Air Temperature Sensor, Tracking, new Break Disks and Pads all round. Still got a few bob to spend.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:39 pm
by Big Brother
16 July 2007

Today Lucy went back to the garage for a new air temperature sensor. She will also be undergoing some major surgery, this costing several hundred pounds, will update another time

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:03 pm
by Big Brother
17 July 2007

Got Lucy back today, even if it was 9.30pm, really glad to be back driving her again i really couldn't stand the crappy courtesy car for another day. Everything seemed to be in working order but will have to be going back on Friday for additional diagnostics, tuning and to have the non effective hand brake repaired.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:56 pm
by Big Brother
20 July 2007

Took Lucy back to the garage today to have the handbrake sorted. Originally it was thought there was a problem with the caliper but it turns out the cable to the passenger side rear wheel is knackered, so parts on order and back next week



Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:34 pm
by Big Brother
22 July 2007

Getting bored of the Dynamic 16in alloys on Lucy I decided to swap them for her original Cetus rims. Although they are smaller they do look better that the Dynamics because they are not as scuffed and have all their centre caps present.

Before fitting the Cetus they were in need of a good clean after being in my shed for the last 18 or so months so bought some Wander Wheels and give them a good scrub down.

Also today she had a new set of spark plugs




Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:29 pm
by Big Brother
7 August 2007

Today it was back to the garage to have the handbrake sorted out and one new cable later hey presto I had a working handbrake. Only to discover the drivers side caliper is non functional. So, at some point it will be going back again for a new caliper.

Still on the ‘To Do’ list is the brake fluid, and power steering fluid need changing.



Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:37 am
by Big Brother
1st September 2007

Today was the day we were traveling to Coventry for Lee and Chelle's wedding do, and typical of the 480 something had to go wrong.

We planned to leave at 5.30pm but this was the scene at Tesco at 2.45pm


After pulling into a parking space the car began missing and then stalled, then the worrying sign of black smoke puffing out of the side of the bonnet, so quickly popped the bonnet and saw the wiring loom for the LPG system on fire. Luckily it went out with just one blow so no real damage, except for the wiring loom of course, it looked like this:


I could see the loom had come out of its hold and dropped onto the red hot exhaust manifold, hence causing it to melt and catch fire.

So off to Warrington Autogas for a new loom


With Waggsey the garage cat watching


And the lovely charred remains of the old loom


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:31 am
by Big Brother
15 May 2008

Today Lucy went to the holy healing land of all 480s for some much needed maintenance, yes, HOMDV in Sheffield.

Todays activates involved:

New Rear engine Mount (Uprated one made by JohnTurbo)
New Brake Disks all round
New Brake Pads all round
New Rotary Arm
New Dizzy Cap
New rear Droplinks
Oil and Filter Change
Spark Plugs Changed
Steering Fluid drained and replaced
Brake Fluid Drained and replaced
Cooling system flushed and coolant replaced.

So early morning Lucy was tucked away in the 480 operating theatre and prepared for surgery.


And all her new parts/fluids out and ready


First Lee replaced what we though was a damaged engine mount, turns out it was a little more than damaged and had actually snapped.


So out with the old and in with the JT engine mount


Next on the list was the removing all the disks and pads and remove the old drop links


The 13 year old bolts on the drop links were not in the best of stats and had to be re-threaded or in one case replaced.


New Drop Links in place


Lee drains the steering fluid for replacement


Anyone want to guess when my brake fluid was last changed?


New disks in place




After 13 hours the work was finished. Big it up to the main man Lee for giving his whole day to do all the work. A true credit to the 480 community.

Re: My 480 Ride

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:55 am
by Big Brother