Recommissioning a 480: 8. Seats & Belts

Everything that doesn't belong in the previous categories probably belongs here. Interiour (how are the seats mounted? how to remove the CEM?) and exteriour (how to replace the popup-lights shock absorbers or a door) are discussed here!

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Recommissioning a 480: 8. Seats & Belts

Post by davekit » Tue May 17, 2022 4:53 pm

Part 1 is under ‘Secret Life’.

The passenger seat was stuck in the upright position, so not easy to get in the back! The driver’s seat would not latch in the upright position, so potentially dangerous. Broken or tangled cables were a possibility, but initial investigation suggested otherwise. The seat backs were removed and it became obvious that the latching mechanisms were rusted solid – one up, one down, as it were – further evidence of water ingress. Judicious use of WD-40 and a hammer restored order! The opportunity was taken to straighten the heating elements in the backs, but the heated seats still don’t work. This is a low priority problem! The knicker elastic under the seats was replaced to keep the covers tidy.

The arm at the top of the driver’s seat belt was broken, another common problem it seems. This was repaired by drilling and tapping an M3 thread in each part, and putting in an M3 stud (alright, an M3 bolt with the head removed). A dab of 5-minute epoxy made sure it stayed put. It is probably stronger than the original now!

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