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218 arctic blue colour match problem

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:30 pm
by Ade

Just finished off all the welding and repair work and she sailed through the MOT :D

Finally got the turbo back on the road so I am dead chuffed but there's a problem.....

The colour match I got for the code is awful! Has my original paint faded/changed colour with 20 something years of UV degradation and general wear and tear???

I must admit the paint job isn't the best as I had limited time and funds left, no real painting experience and it was done from a rattle can (one mixed at a good paint supplier)

I prepped as thoroughly as possible and used an appropriate primer etc etc....

The paint finish is still dull but as it is cellulose paint I understand it needs time to cure fully and can be polished once hard but the fact of it is that the colour is just not right.

Does anyone have any ideas on this or possible alternatives?



Re: 218 arctic blue colour match problem

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:59 pm
by glasgowjim
The paint is then sprayed with a lacquer coat to get the polished surface.

Re: 218 arctic blue colour match problem

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:12 pm
by Ade
I understand that lacquer can be applied but cellulose paint is able to be polished once hard, this is not the issue, it is just not the right colour. I have lacquered a small section and although the finish is good, the colour is completely different. Anyone else had colour match problems?

Re: 218 arctic blue colour match problem

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:28 pm
by Martin Mc
I'm having some problems finding paint code 305 (metallic Black) anywhere. I thought I'd ordered some from only for them to ring me back and tell me that they don't stock it, even though their system took my order and my money for that exact product!

So, I guess it is a trip to Halfords or the like to get some paint made up - unless someone else has a better idea?

I'm hoping to get some paint onto the newly repaired wheel arch and sill before the MOT next week, so if you can point me in the right direction, fire away!



Re: 218 arctic blue colour match problem

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:31 pm
by jamescarruthers
I heard Wilko Motorists discount were supposed to be good for mixing paint

Re: 218 arctic blue colour match problem

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:09 pm
by glasgowjim
dingbro in scotland dont know if they are in england . even with the colour code they always asked me if it was metallic or not.