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Not sure about this...(unusualy high boost)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:20 pm
by Rachel
...yesterday while driving to work my turbo gauge stopped was in the 'rest' position. The idle was also a bit high also, with a bit of rubbish hunting when I first turned on the ignition, but other than a slight hiccup on the duel carriage way she drove ok ish.

I found the cause of this....the small back pipe coming from out the inlet manifold had come off :? causing a big air leak....sorted I though! Anyway this did sort the gauge and the idle straight away, but now, and I don't know if it is connected, the turbo is savage! It's boosting right into the red and very quickly, and you can hear it too. If feels pretty cool, but this can't be right can it? The ecu isn't killing the ignition, but I do lift off when it get into the red as my car has done soooo many miles I need to treat her with respect, but it's far different to her usual boost. I have a Richmod, and usually it takes some flooring to get it to boost to the red, and even then it doesn't go right into the red. It almost feels like the turbo has been restricted before and now isn't....full boost happens so quickl... and the clutch gets a bit worried!

So what I'm asking is what could this be? I'm a bit naive when it comes to the inner workings of a turbo. Is there something that restricts boost which might have gone? Am I going to blow something up if she keeps boosting like this?? :( Any help would be good....I don't want to cause any damage (although quietly and tentatively I'm loving it :lol: )

Re: Not sure about this...(unusualy high boost)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:49 pm
by bigdickbuster
Check the wastegate.


Silver element on the photo looks similar to the Volvo WG.

The lever must operate smoothly. May be jammed?

Re: Not sure about this...(unusualy high boost)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:23 pm
by Rachel

Wish mine was that shiny and clean looking lol

Just had a check and I think you may be right. It was pretty stuck till I moved it. Gave it a generous spraying for WD....will see what she's like in the morrow.

Cheers - shame though, may have to say goodbye to big boost :( was fun while it lasted :lol:

Re: Not sure about this...(unusualy high boost)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:23 pm
by Rachel
Found the hose is split...anyone got one cause I sold my spare ages ago!

Re: Not sure about this...(unusualy high boost)

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:25 pm
by Speedy1st
u can use similar hoses.

im using fuel (feed?) pipes. The ones with the fabric around. Works good for 2 years.

Re: Not sure about this...(unusualy high boost)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:31 pm
by jamesy12345
An old post, but I have this problem (boosting too high)....I asked a person wise in the way of 480's (Robou) and he mentioned it would be worth checking the resistance between pins on the boost solenoid:


The value was good at close to 30 ohms. Next stop is replacing the remaining two hoses when I find where to get the hose and decent clips.......jubilee/worm drive clips at this size are pretty useless....

ps can u tell I got a multi-meter for Christmas?? :hopping: :rtfm:

Re: Not sure about this...(unusualy high boost)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:35 pm
by chriskay
Just be VERY careful when working with the solenoid pipes; they get very fragile with age. Best not to try to pull the tubing off, rather, carefully cut with a razor blade.